The Happiness Planner

As I've grown up (and I still wouldn't even consider myself fully "grown up"), it's become much more apparent just how important it is to take care of not only my physical health, but also my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It's so easy to let the stress of work, finances, or another of life's many stressors get in the way of a positive attitude and outlook on this beautiful thing we call life.

Some might have an easier go at staying positive than I do. I've struggled with anxious feelings for years now, which is honestly quite exhausting, but I work actively each day to stay as optimistic as possible. Others might already lean more toward "glass half full" if they're not struggling with similar issues or they just generally have a more laid-back personality. But I do think for many happiness is often a daily choice. That's why I love the concept of this Happiness Planner. It's a nice reminder of just how much control I can have over my state of mind.

The book takes you through a set up section first, asking questions like "what makes you happy," "what makes you unhappy," "what are your strengths," "what are your weaknesses," "what are you grateful for," "what are your dreams," and more. After you reflect on these questions, you set goals for the next 100 days and fill out the planner on a daily basis, working off of weekly goals. I haven't finished the set up section yet, but I'm so excited to get started!


I'm sure I'll keep you updated along the way. I can't wait to get started on this very important journey of mindfulness!